How to Practice Self-Care if the Holidays Fucked You Up

It is extremely important to practice self-care after the holidays, even if you really enjoy them. They are a taxing and stressful time of year even if you feel that they are worth it.

Many people battle grief on the holidays, or fear because they are about to lose someone they love. Many people feel isolation and loneliness. Many people spiral into a depression. Many people relapse. Many people cope in the worst possible ways because that is the way they know works every time. Many people cannot wait for the holidays to be over.

They are over at last, and it is time to take care of yourself. If the holidays fucked you up, practice some self-care, and start transitioning back to your healthy coping techniques if you slipped. There is no shame in a relapse, whether that is on a substance or a habit or a person. Just get yourself back on track. One day, you will realize you have never gone that long without relapsing before and you will just keep fucking going, but it is okay if you slip on your journey there. Just be gentle to yourself, be loving to yourself, and pick yourself back up. You’ve got this.

Not everyone has the best idea of what to do for self-care, but let me tell you a little secret: almost anything that you enjoy doing can be self-care as long as you are doing it specifically to help yourself feel better or recover from a bad episode or stressful time. It does not have to be any one thing in particular.

Here is a list I put together of self-care ideas that may be helpful now and going forward:

  • Shower or Bath
    Everyone has a preference, both are great!
  • Pampering
    e.g. face masks, manicures, pedicures, foot care, lotion, hair masks
  • Organizing/Cleaning
    Having a clean space helps mental health & cleaning can be soothing
  • Creative Hobbies
    Anything will do, as long as it soothes and rejuvenates you
  • Journaling
    Especially in times of stress or right before bed, it can feel good to release our thoughts in a safe space
  • Reading/Video Games/TV
    Removing ourselves from reality is just what we need sometimes
  • Physical Rest
    e.g. lying in bed when you are fatigued, resting after you come home from work or complete chores
  • Physical Care
    e.g. massaging sore muscles, taking care of wounds or injuries with love and tenderness
  • Stretching
    Releasing tension in the muscles can release the tension in our minds
  • Exercise
    If you are capable of exercise, 15 minutes a day is the minimum recommended, even 3 sets x 5 minutes
  • Meditations
    Specifically ones for relaxation, gratitude, letting go, etc.
  • Cooking/Baking
    Some people see these as a chore, I see them as a great way to stay sane
  • Vibes
    Light some candles, get some aromatherapy, and just relax
  • Prayer
    Praying can be very soothing if you believe, and allows you to be honest with yourself
  • Positive Self-Talk
    Time yourself and say nothing but kind and loving things to yourself until your timer goes off

I hope you found these tips helpful and that they will help you in the coming year.



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