Wicked Transformations: The Final, Most Fascinating Themed Collection

Today, New Year’s Day, marks the beginning of the final themed collection, tentatively titled Transformation Season.

Transformation is a powerful concept. It can mean many things. It can be good or bad. It can transform your life in the best or the worst ways. It can be physical or mental or spiritual. It can even be all three.

I am looking forward to exploring this theme. Of course, it will focus heavily on the darker side, murder will abound, and not all transformations will be voluntary.

What comes next?

Well, I have a to-do list for this year.

  1. Edit the October collection & prepare it for publishing in September
  2. Edit the November collection & prepare it for publishing in October
  3. Edit the December collection & (you guessed it) prepare it for publishing in November
  4. Finish the novel, The Legend of Sam Hain
  5. Finish the short story collection, Heartbroken & Homicidal
  6. Begin the editing process on those, most likely to be released in 2023, depending on whether I self-publish or go the traditional publishing route. It really depends on how much I enjoyed being self-published with the three themed collections.

Enjoy this month of transformation, and remember, all your goals can be accomplished if you take it one step, one day, at a time.

— Justine

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Justine Steckling Writes, Mental Health Writer
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